
When I waste my money, I want it hanging in my closet where I can look at it

I'm not a betting woman, but if I were, I'd put my money on Uli to win it all tonight.

A week ago, I would have said it was a two-man battle between Jeffrey and Michael. Jeffrey offers an aesthetic we don't see too often but sometimes the taste level isn't there. Same thing with Michael. It's interesting that both are straight men and I think they see women differently than gay men (who may see women only as coathangers for their creations) and women (who just dress themselves). They want to see women be beautiful, sexy, romantic, and I think it's an exciting perspective.

But after last week's episode, it looks like Uli might be in the running.

Michael brought some serious ugly with his odd safari theme. Safari could be good for Michael, who excels at sportswear, but it seemed misguided. Is he good only with feedback from Tim Gunn?

As for Jeffrey, I was on his side with the cheating allegations...until I watched the episode again. He has a company, so he has workers at his disposal. His receipts were all mixed up when Tim asked for them. And the plastic bags? On one hand, protection for one-of-a-kind designs that had to be Bryant Park perfect. On the other hand, what they came in after being sent out for sewing. We'll see what happens tonight, but I don't think it looks so good for him.

Which leaves Uli and Laura. As much as I like Laura and her designs, I don't think they're unique and exciting enough to win Project Runway. Which leaves Uli.

Who knows how things will turn out. Michael could style his way to a win or the judges may be on Jeffrey's side. The judges could be wowed by Laura's sophistication, or Uli could be the woman left standing next to the Saturn Sky. Maybe I'll be glad I'm not a betting woman. Or maybe I'll be regretting I didn't turn good odds into money to buy one of her creations.

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